
A Question of Singular Importance

9 April 2015
What’s the best way to deal with the English language’s lack of a gender-neutral singular pronoun? As any grammarian can tell you, the answer has changed over the years. Just ask him/her/them!

A Survey Analysis of Grant-Writing Costs and Benefits

8 April 2015
To apply, or not to apply ― that is the question every time a funding opportunity arises. To answer, two scientists set out to measure the cost-effectiveness of writing grant proposals. Here are their results.

Get Involved in STEM Education with EnCorps

8 April 2015
The nonprofit EnCorps STEM Teachers Program is recruiting professionals in science, technology, engineering, and math into new careers in education — currently in California, but eventually in other states too.

AAS & AGU Issue Joint Letter to Governor of Indiana

3 April 2015
With the Triennial Earth-Sun Summit looming in Indianapolis, the presidents of the AAS and American Geophysical Union have written Gov. Mike Pence to reaffirm our societies' commitment to welcoming all attendees.

NEOWISE 2015 Data Release Now Available

27 Mar 2015
The Near-Earth Object Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (NEOWISE) and the Infrared Processing and Analysis Center (IPAC) announce the NEOWISE 2015 data release: 2.5 million images, 18.5 billion sources!

XSEDE15 Abstract Deadline Extended to 6 April

25 March 2015
Join your colleagues in St. Louis in July to explore the opportunities afforded by the Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment, an advanced collection of digital resources and services.

Registration Is Open for NAIC-NRAO Summer Schools

25 Mar 2015
The National Astronomy and Ionosphere Center and National Radio Astronomy Observatory invite you to register for their July 2015 summer-school programs in single-dish radio astronomy and interferometry.