25 March 2015

XSEDE15 Abstract Deadline Extended to 6 April

Richard Fienberg

Richard Fienberg Running Hare Observatory

This announcement is posted on behalf of Travis Tate, XSEDE Media Communications Coordinator:

The Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment (XSEDE15) conference deadline for tutorial, paper, and abstract submissions has been extended one additional week until Monday, 6 April. The XSEDE15 Call for Participation is available on the conference webpage.

The Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment (XSEDE) is the most powerful and robust collection of integrated advanced digital resources and services in the world. It is a single virtual system that scientists can use to interactively share computing resources, data, and expertise. XSEDE accelerates scientific discovery by enhancing the productivity of researchers, engineers, and scholars by deepening and extending the use of XSEDE's ecosystem of advanced digital services and by advancing and sustaining the XSEDE digital infrastructure. XSEDE is a five-year, $121-million project and is supported by the National Science Foundation.

XSEDE15 will take place in St. Louis, Missouri, 26-30 July 2015 at the Marriott Renaissance St. Louis Grand Hotel and will showcase the discoveries, innovations, challenges, and achievements of those who utilize and support XSEDE resources and services, as well as other digital resources and services throughout the world. The theme of XSEDE15 is "Scientific Advancements Enabled by Enhanced Cyberinfrastructure."

If you are planning to submit after the original 30 March deadline, please consider submitting an abstract in advance and adding the full paper by the new deadline. This is not required but will help us gauge the level of interest in each track. All other dates, including poster submission deadlines and author notifications, will remain the same. Submissions must be made through Easy Chair.

Sign up to receive Impact by XSEDE — the project's monthly e-newsletter to update subscribers on the activities of XSEDE. Follow XSEDE on social media by liking XSEDE on Facebook and following XSEDE on Twitter (@XSEDEscience). Also follow the hashtag #XSEDE15 for further updates and interactions on the annual conference.