24 September 2014

IAU Activities and Deadlines of Interest to US Astronomers

The upcoming 29th General Assembly (GA) of the International Astronomical Union (IAU) will be held in Honolulu, Hawaii, in August 2015. The last such gathering of the world's astronomers across disciplines occurred within the United States in 1988 (Baltimore, MD), and previous IAU GAs were held here in 1961 (Berkeley, CA) and 1932 (Cambridge, MA). So next year is our opportunity to shine again as hosts. Folks at the AAS and at the various astronomical organizations in Hawaii are working hard to make the meeting an outstanding experience for our mainland US and international visitors.

The fostering of worldwide cooperation in astronomy is a defining tenet of the IAU. The organization and its activities provide a medium for important dialogs in research, education, and diversity. The US National Committee (USNC) for the IAU promotes the activities of the IAU within the United States and represents US astronomy and astronomers to the IAU. As the current chair of the USNC-IAU, it is my pleasure to encourage your participation in the upcoming GA. Registration is now open!

As well as representing US astronomers to the IAU, the USNC has a goal to inspire US astronomers to be more participative in world astronomy. To that extent, the USNC vets candidates for membership in the IAU. The triennial application period for IAU members is also now open with a closing date of 15 December.

Why join an organization in this era of widespread non-joiner attitudes? In my own case, it is the complement of personal belief in the mission and goals of the organization and return from the organization in terms of information and opportunities. Arlo Landolt has written an informative and inspiring piece entitled "The Rewards of Membership in the IAU" that you may wish to read as you consider your interest in the IAU. (Note: That link points to a PDF that may take a while to load.)

Finally, the IAU recently has revised its Divisions to better reflect modern astronomy, and there is currently a call out for the Commissions that will exist under those Divisions, with a deadline of 15 October for letters of intent. This is your chance to shape the structure of the IAU and how you can participate in astronomical activities and administration with scientists internationally.