1 December 2014

Support the AAS on #GivingTuesday

Kevin Marvel

Kevin Marvel American Astronomical Society (AAS)

First there was Thanksgiving Day. Then came Black Friday and, more recently, Cyber Monday. Now there's #GivingTuesday, a global day dedicated to celebrating generosity. If you haven't heard of #GivingTuesday yet, check out the movement's website and/or go on Twitter and search for the hashtag #GivingTuesday. This year #GivingTuesday falls on 2 December.

As you think about which organizations you'll contribute to on #GivingTuesday, please consider supporting some of the many funds and projects that help define the American Astronomical Society. Donations to the AAS are used to promote the astronomical sciences by advancing student achievement, acknowledging extraordinary service, and celebrating outstanding research.

Contributions are welcome to the funds for the various AAS and Division prizes. We also welcome donations to the AAS General Fund, our unrestricted account, which we use to support areas of greatest need.

The AAS publishes the leading research journals in our field, organizes the largest astronomy conferences in the world, and represents the interests of the astronomical community to policymakers in Washington, DC. The Society and its Divisions also offer professional development, education resources, and a variety of other services to students and professionals working in the astronomical sciences. Your support, through your membership and your voluntary contributions, makes it all possible.

The AAS is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation, and all donations by US taxpayers are deductible under section 170 of the Internal Revenue Code. To contribute online, please go to http://members.aas.org and log in to your account. You will need your AAS username and password. If you don't remember one or the other, you can reset it there or contact our membership department at 202-328-2010 x101 or [email protected] for assistance.

And, of course, you can contribute to the AAS on any day of the week, any week of the year — not just on #GivingTuesday!

Donate Now!