Artificial Intelligence for Big-Data Experiments Virtual Conference

This virtual conference will present an overview of recent efforts in Multi-Messenger Astrophysics, High Energy Physics, and Astronomy to harness innovation in artificial intelligence and large-scale computing to enable and accelerate scientific discovery in the big-data era.

This event will serve as a platform to create synergies between disparate communities that share similar computational challenges that may be addressed through innovative applications of artificial intelligence, and will enable the convergence of existing NSF-funded Harnessing the Data Revolution programs.

This workshop is funded through the NSF award OAC-1931561, and co-sponsored by NVIDIA, IBM.

Abstract Submission closes Sunday, 16 August

Submit abstracts here:

Selected speakers will be contacted in late August, with the goal of finalizing the speaker list by early September.

All selected speakers will be asked to pre-record a 15 minute talk for submission by 30 September. Selected speakers will then present a live, 5 minute summary talk during the workshop, followed up by a live Q&A session.


21 – 23 October 2020