Statistics and Exoplanets: A Focus Meeting within the XXIX IAU General Assembly

The discovery and characterization of exoplanets requires both superbly accurate instrumentation and sophisticated statistical methods. Weak or rare planetary signals must be extracted from dominant starlight, very large samples and noisy datasets. This meeting will bring together exoplanet and statistical experts to discuss and address key challenges in exoplanet detection (including radial velocity, astrometry, transits, direct imaging and microlensing), detailed planet characterization, and population studies.

The program will consist of invited talks by leading astronomers and statisticians at the forefront of exoplanet detection and characterization, contributed posters and talks, and discussion. A day of hands-on tutorial-style experimentation with key algorithms and software packages will follow the meeting. For more information, see the website

Interested scientists can register, submit abstracts, arrange lodging and logistics through the IAU General Assembly website ( Early registration is open until 1 December 2015.



3 – 5 August 2015


Honolulu, Hawaii