First COSPAR Symposium

This Symposium is the first of a new series of events initiated by COSPAR which aims to promote space research at a regional level in emerging countries and will be held every two years in a different area of the world. The Symposium will include multidisciplinary and training sessions.

This first Symposium will address the theme “Planetary Systems of our Sun and other Stars, and the Future of Space Astronomy”. It is open to participants from all regions, but scientists, young professionals and students in the Asian region are particularly encouraged to participate. The Symposium will feature plenary lectures as well as parallel and poster sessions.
A Capacity Building Workshop entitled “Atmospheric Correction of Earth Observation Data for Environmental Monitoring: Theory and Best Practices” will also take place in Bangkok at GISTDA the week before the Symposium from 4 to 8 November 2013 for which participants from the Asian region will be selected by application.
For additional information, the detailed program, abstract submission, deadlines and registration:



11 – 15 November 2013


Bangkok, Thailand